Новости интерактивной литературы - 15 ноября

Объявлены победители конкурса Аперо:

  1. Пашка и UnknownEXE — «Загадка древности»
  2. Ersaider — «Апокалипсиc»
  3. darkcrown — «Засушливые земли»

Новый конкурс сторигеймов «Арена» принимает игры до 24 ноября.
Игры должны быть сбалансированы и иметь боевую систему.


  • Ангелина Мареич«Where is Tom?»
    Срочно нужно найти пропавшего кота



  • npckc, пер. Sol Taere«Ведьма Бэлль и её немагические друзья / Magical Witch Bell and Her Non-Magical Friends»
    Живёт в небольшом городке ведьма Бэлль (магическая ведьма, само собой). Проводит свои дни в мастерской, делает всякие магические девайсы вроде робота-уборщика городского парка. И хоть в городе она единственная может использовать магию — внезапно в один прекрасный день куча всяких магических происшествий случается по всему городу. И кому же, как не ей, разбираться.
  • Hituzigumo, пер. Kae Pro«Семеро из Шинобазу. Глава 3: Кисараги Мики / Shinobazu Seven 03. Miki»
    Романтическая молодёжная комедия в шести частях, созданная на основе сд-драм Amemakura от компании Hituzigumo. Каждая из них посвящена одному из шести красавцев, которые будут окружать главную героиню, а также событиям с ними связанными. В этой части мы становимся ещё на шаг ближе к главной интриге этой серии, половина пути пройдена. Вас ожидают скрытая сторона Мики-куна в андеграудном мире музыки, репетиции, выступления, сахарная романтика (местами только для взрослых!), весёлые чиби-сценки и многое другое с нашим красавцем — Кисараги Мики, милым и дружелюбным мальчиком с причёской с «кошачьими ушками» по бокам. Мы снова окажемся на том-самом-острове Гункандзима. На этот раз пребывание на нём даст начало новому витку в отношениях с Нанако, новой драме, и от того, как вы себя там поведёте, будет зависеть концовка.

Larry Horsfield «Revenge of the Space Pirates — The Adventures of Mike Erlin — Part 3»
You are Captain Mike Erlin, hero of «Magnetic Moon» and «Starship Quest». The High Priestess of the Psian people, whom you met on the «Magnetic Moon» has been kidnapped by the space pirates who had trapped your spaceship on that moon.

You volunteer to go undercover to try to rescue her from their clutches — can you do it before they kill her in their attempts to discover the source of her psychic powers?!



  • Bitter Karella«Witch Beyond the Woods»
    A traditional ballad about a wounded soldier and a bargain struck.
  • O Bluefoot«When He Died»
    he author's first text adventure. Completed for Ectocomp 2019. You are a forensic photographer. Someone has died. Pay close attention to the world around you. Inspired by the song "When He Died", by Neil...
  • «The Crimson Terrors of Delamay Manor by
    Logan Noble»

    You’re a freelance journalist and you’ve taken on a writing job for your dream website. You’ve agreed to interview Thomas Delamay, a reclusive millionaire that lives in a mansion that the locals...
  • kunludi«Wild Party»
    Ana has been invited to a Halloween party in an isolated mansion. All guests enjoy the party but late at night some start fighting for no reason. When the lights go out and screams begin, Ana wonders if it...
  • «Behind Every Great One by

    Behind Every Great One was originally created for Ludum Dare 42. The theme of the gamejam was "Running out of space." — We didn't make it on time for the competition so we decided to polish the prototype a...
  • Hien Pham«I'm Shirtless in This One»
    Shirtless was nominated for the 2019 Freeplay Independent Games Festival's Micro-Game Award! The sequel to this comic can be read here: I'm Shortless In This One. Up until 2018, I haven't swam for half a...
  • Gregor Duddy, Luke Powell, Finlay Macpherson«1915»
    "1915 is a powerful little experience that would make a great companion piece to Peter Jackson’s They Shall Not Grow Old" — Alpha Beta Gamer About: 1915 is a short World War One narrative-driven experience...
  • Drumclem«Whole Souls»
    A traditional Halloween family dinner, in space.
  • Ian Michael Waddell«Mindful»
    My kitchen is my sanctuary… Mindful is a game in which you create your own cooking blog. It is an entry in ECTOCOMP 2019 in the La Petite Mort category (under 4 hours creation time.)
  • Beth McCloy«Exploring Vancouver — 1900»
  • Selim Sevim«Bodiless»
    You know what they say "You only live once." That is not really true.





  • Copper Heart Factory«Feels»
    Feels is an ASCII and Text-Based RPG where every one of your decisions can influence the world in which you evolve. It is filled with organic story lines, diverse endings and strategic turn-based combat.
  • Hosted Games«The War for the West»
    Rule the land as you see fit, using alliances, intrigue or warfare to establish your House as a dominant force in the realm's politics.
  • Braisque«Doll»
    Doll is a visual novel of horror and exploration.With the Jeudille doll, you will be free to explore the city of Lorgna. Talk to the inhabitants, and compare their speeches to succeed in answering the questions raised by this experience.
  • Kavorkaplay«The Legend of Arcadieu»
    With the help of a cute mage and a beautiful warrior, you must battle a horde of sexy monsters to reach your goal.
  • Zetsubou«My Heart Grows Fonder»
    Visual novel about a couple who are reunited after a three year separation. Have the two moved on during their time apart? Or will old passions be rekindled?
  • Kidalang«Legend of Everything»
    A mind-bending isekai other-world science adventure! On a quest to rescue the Princess from the Demon Lord, Brane encounters an eccentric young woman claiming to be from another world—one with “RPGs” and “video games”!? Epic battles, loveable heroines, and real scientific theory!
  • PeasSoft«My Fair Princess»
    Welcome to the world-renowned Ryokufuuin Academy! Play as Satoshi, a poor dude thrown into a world of rich ladies! You never know what life will throw at you when you have a pet sheep and five ladies clamoring for your love!

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