Новые текстовые игры - пятнадцатое мая

Визуальные новеллы

  • Nova-box, Nevilla«Seers Isle»
    Волшебная история о расплате и прощении в сеттинге анималистического мифа. Паломничество к таинственному острову хранит в себе множество опасностей, но и сулит невероятную награду. Если бы они только знали, какая судьба притаилась за хмурыми прибрежными скалами в изумрудных травах острова, то ни за что бы не променяли тепло родного очага на погоню за призрачным величием. Но выбор сделан и все что теперь им остается — пройти испытания загадочного острова до конца.
  • Rui Tsushima«Твои усталые глаза (1 акт) / H2SB01»
    Сюжет разворачивается в городе M, где Акиенто проживает счастливые деньки своей молодости скучно и серо, ведь серый цвет — его осознанный выбор. Он человек простой.

Текстовые квесты





  • Elizabeth Lumley«SIEGE (The Siege of Plataea)»
    This is mostly a game about the siege of Plataea, but it's also a game about choices. Each person, soldier or citizen, must choose many things when war comes to their doorstep. Make the right choices, and…
  • E.J. Rosa«Undying Gratitude»
    Here lies the story of a woman haunted by someone whose life she saved years ago. Although all the ghost does is shower her with gifts, all she wants is peace and quiet. Written to be a modern fairytale,…
  • Gavin Lambert«Micropuzzle»
    A mostly-faithful (and hence somewhat dated) recreation of the 1984 type-in BASIC game, originally published in Weird Computer Games by Usborne.
  • Jorge Mir«Rainbow Adventure»
    A type-in adventure from the July 1982 issue of Rainbow Magazine for the Tandy Color Computer. The game was intended as a demonstration of Mir's ADVMAKER program that was published in a subsequent issue…
  • Daniel River«Checkpoint»
    This fiction is set in Grovlia, a country in Eastern Europe. 1989 has been a difficult year in Grovlia. Cracks are starting to appear in the edifice of socialism built up over decades. Protesters look to the…
  • «Don't Push The Mailbox 2 And Aisle by Ralfe Rich»
    A tribute to "Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle" and sequel to Don't Push The Mailbox. This game was originally entered into The Emily Short Anniversary Contest.
  • «Tribute: Return to the City of Secrets by Kenneth Pedersen»
    This is a tribute game to the game "City of Secrets" by Emily Short. It is recommended to play "City of Secrets" first, since this game is a nostalgic trip back to the city, and therefore there will be…
  • Tihor Miklós«A Hös Lovag (Hero Knight)»
    The Hero Knight is a pioneer of its kind in Hungary: the first Hungarian-language text adventure game. The object of the game, of course, is to defeat the dragon and save the princess by avoiding losing your…




  • Echodog Games«Signs of the Sojourner»
    In this narrative card game about relationships and communication, navigate conversations in a colorful world reminiscent of our own. Learn and grow through the cards you choose to play. Who will you become? What will you leave behind?
  • Choice of Games«A Squire's Tale»
    Battle evil faeries and traitors at court to rescue the prince of England! Can you resist the call of faerie long enough to complete your quest?
  • Fan-na«Real Life Plus Ver. Kaname Komatsuzaki»
    Real Life Plus Ver. Kaname Komatsuzaki is a game that lets you enjoy life interacting and growing up with Kaname Komatsuzaki, a childhood friend of protagonist, Kouichi.
  • ZenART«Zen Universe»
    Explore а bundle of 4 real-life and legendary locations — shot, scanned, and hand-polished into realistic interactive environments. Early Access includes 2 experiences and 2 more will be updated for free.
  • Snowhaven Studios«My Sweet Confession»
    The hapless, love-struck Ichika made a big mistake, and she might have ruined her friendship with Hana forever. With the help of her classmate Ayumi, can she work her own feelings out in time to show Hana how she really feels? A soft, comedic romance with big personalities and a tinge of melodrama.
  • CatComb«Jaw Breakers & The Confection Connection»
    A comedy mystery visual novel about a group of kids on Summer vacation with way too much free time on their hands. Spending a summer in a small, quiet and peaceful suburb like Lemon Grove should be a piece of cake, right?
  • Stegalosaurus Game Development«Furry Shakespeare: Emperor Penguin Lear»
    Rewrite Shakespeare's King Lear. But with animals and dinosaurs and stuff.

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